seperate but equal?

While I was at home in Atlanta with my mom, I had a blast of nostalgia when I looked on the fridge and saw some name brand cereal. I remember my mom used to buy Smacks Puffs O' Corn or Cheerios Toasted Oats. I used to complain because they would always outlast the milk... There'd be like a sliver of milk left and this big ass Y2K friendly bag of cereal. The worst of them all was Fruit Loops Fruity Oh's, they would cut the shit out of the roof of my mouth cause they would take like an hour to get soggy and they left a wierd ass tint on the milk too.


Stew said...

i used to love the knock off brand of Cap'n Crunch. it would scratch the shit out of my mouth too. it was awful

saturn ruling said...

I used to think it was such a big issue when I was little, and then this past summer I had to buy my own food and everything I bought was generic. Heh, go money savers!!

And for a more accurate commercial, now days they place the sugary-sweet-artificial colored expensive cereals down there so little kiddies can throw temper-tantrums when their parents don't buy them lol. And then the generic stuff is so high up that you can't even reach them x_x.

For me at least lol.

Samson said...

For real for reals...the taste is no different I can't even stunt about that... but it's like they never found the recipe to make it taste the exact same, I guess that's why it's generic

Hell yeah, that's why I used to kinda frown at my roomate for buyin name brand everything, I'm like wtf it's not 2K05, mufucka's aren't spendin reckless like that anymore...

Eb the Celeb said...

lmao... the kids definitely have it easy these days... I remember them days where you were happy as hell that the real fruit loops were on sale...

my little brothers and sisters now dont even know what generic cereal looks like let alone what it tastes like

Mz. Common Sense said...

I'm a pretty picky cereal eater...not that we had the money to be eating name brand cereal, but when I was young money didn't matter, it was all about taste and name...I don't even eat cereal like that anymore now, so I just buy the name brand when its on sale and that lasts me for a while.

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