Andre in love, for reals...

I'm using wifi on the airplane! I remember being younger and just the thought of using my phone in the air would bring to mind visions of crashes and all sorts of alarms and buzzers going off...

Anyways, I'm on my way to Las Vegas to meet some good friends of mine and it sucks because I wish I could've caught the earlier flight to San Diego so I could've driven into Las Vegas with them because I think that would've just been cool as shit. But in reality I hate driving and I'll beat my friends there so I'll just meet them at our hotel the Mandalay Bay.

I really feel like I should've done more research on Vegas, I don't know for sure what I'll do, but I know it will involve debauch and 4 foot drinks with the shoulder strap...

After dropping off 'elaines' christmas gift, a brand spanking new vintage schwinn, while I was watching her ride it and smiling like a proud father, I realized that I like this girl. I haven't told her because real men don't say things like that do they?

Anyways I'll have some cool pics and stuff from vegas when I touch down...and if y'all know any what's up in Vegas let me know!

1 comment:

Jade said...

Good for you! Love is great.

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