a series of unfortunate events

It's funny how one thing can just cause a chain of events and it's actually not very funny sometimes. Last sunday night at like 11pm I went to K-Mart to get some bottled water and ketchup chips and I met a "Simon & Garfunkel Mrs.Robinson" buying a vinyl / cd player, I was like I'm suprised you're buyin that and she was like "why" I said cause most people don't know records sounds better than cd's! So we were talking about albums and I carried the player to her car and I was like maybe I could check out your albums some time and see if you've got anything good? She was like "what are you doing now?" So I went to her house, she stayed like right around the corner, and she had some pretty good stuff (Motor Booty Affair, La La Means I Love You, Off the wall) I was really impressed , but I mean it was like 12am and albums really weren't that much on my mind... so we're sitting there and there was kinda an akward pause, and she was like "So...." so I went to wash my hands and then made a move.. So were in her living room and I hear a door open and she jumps off me like someone put fire to her ass, and I'm like WTF is that? She was like "it's my son, I almost lost control" I said we can't go into your room? And she was like "I don't have a bed, I'm still moving stuff from North Cac" So by now the lurst is controlling my actions, so I say well you got some blankets or whatever.... so we jump up and down and I'm kinda rolling at some of the shit she says "Why don't you have a GF to give this good D to?!" So afterwards she's like I don't think I can keep up with you... I'm like "why not" she says "I'm almost 40!" hmmmm I'm kinda shocked cause I figured she had some age on her, but at the oldest I guessed like 34-36 which is I guess... almost 40. Duh

So on the way home I was kinda just cruising and playing my music low and I say to myself I just did my thing and I'm sitting here driving slow as hell! So I crank it up and speed up; I come across a nieghborhood intersection too fluckin fast and BOOM!!! "STOP!!! Check oil pressure" my car says(It's a VW), so I kinda knew what I did then but I didn't wanna believe it, so I make it home grab my flashlight and sure enough I cracked my fuckin oil pan! So I file a claim and already charge that $500 deductable to the game.

So all through last week I'm ridin' with Lloyd to work and the one day I need to be there on time is the one day I'm late... so because of that all this week I gotta come in at 5am a whole hour early...all because of the lurst!


Anonymous said...

that didnt even seem real.
sorry bout ur car. that sucks winkeedinks.

'btw, about Sunshine.
that song hold memories for me too.
this dude and i....
he would....i would.... that song.

i love it, but then i think of him and i dont want to bcuz then ill want him back. and i know i could get him back instantly, but i couldnt handle that...

Samson said...

I honestly can't listen to the song either because it lets me know how far we actually are apart.. But I anr remember everything that was going on when she first played that song and told me "I play this when I feel sad.... and it makes me feel good."

K. Denise said...

you love that word..lol but man do i have some stories for you...

Lina said...

Dude, honestly, the series of unfortunate events happens to me all the time. With me, everything is good or bad, rarely in between. All for the "lurst"....that shit 'll get you every time. I hope it was good, cause you didnt mention that part.

Samson said...

@ KD
Spill it! But I mean I love it cause "quenching your lust" describes it so well...

By worth it would I pay $500 dollars for it like I'm gonna have to... Hell to the nah

It was good,I can't even stunt though I mean she had more fun than I did but thats just the nature of the beast. It would've been better if she had a bed instead of a pallet though lol!

K. Denise said...

a pallet. lol. I'll spill soon enough tho.

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